Thursday, July 10, 2008

Goodbye "Sushi" / Hello tomatos

Well we are back from the beach. What a wonderful trip! When we returned I found out that one (actally 2)of my paintings had sold. "Sushi" was one of them. I then got an e-mail from the girl who bought the painting. She purchased it for herself for her birthday. What a wonderful gift. I love it when my art can touch someone. Art should do that. It should call to you and attach itself to you. That way, it becomes part of you.

So a great big THANK YOU and HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to Nicole....Enjoy your "Sushi".

Our tomato plants seemed to have a GREAT time while we were gone! They yielded 3 DOZEN beatifully red, ripe tomatos. YUM! I guess I am going to have to make the neighborhood rounds as the "crazy painting tomato lady".......HEY, I kinda like that description of me.

Here is a picture...ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, C.T.P.L.
~I'm sure Sushi will be happy in somebody's home :)

Can I place an order for some of those tomatoes? Put them on hold for me until Sunday?

ArtistUnplugged said...

Way to go on selling the paintings. I need more painting time desperately! I want some tomatoes!

ArtistUnplugged said...

Thanks Michelle......

Anonymous said...

The tomatoes did so well because they had a good babysitter!