Wednesday, April 1, 2009

THE best birthday EVER!

Yep...I have to say...this has been one of the best birthdays EVER! I awoke this morning..went out on the back deck for my morning meditation..and there was a big white rocker with a bow on it waiting for me:) Now, I am NOT a country kinda stuff girl at all (you know, the ducks and such) But when it comes to a good rocking chair....count me IN! I love it! Thank you baby!

I went to check my e-mail and blog and this is what I found on my best friend LeLe's blog

I was brought to tears. You see almost 6 years ago I either gave up friends or the majority gave me up. Hard time in life, but you all know all that. Anyway, when I found myself sober and friendless I just assumed that it would always be that and my kids...that's it. After reading this this morning I realized that my life has quietly changed:) Into more than I had hoped...ok..ok...not going to get mushy. Thanks LeLe!

Ok where are we...oh yeah..chair, blog, cake! Got to my business partner's house to pick him up for the full work day ahead and was given a cake make by him and his wife. Thanks Ricky! Now this really did "put the icing on the cake" for the day. Of course...I lost it again.

Got home, the kids made cards...Michael even gave me a dollar in sweet:) And we are now off to eat Japanese......

Ooops...wait...just checked emails. My sweet father in law sent me a beautiful butterfly card. I love you too Fasha! Thank you!

I know, I know, your thinking.."boy oh boy she is talking a lot of me, me, me stuff"...but hey...It's my birthday I can "me, me" if I want to:) I think that there might be a song in that.



Don said...

Even if your bank account read “zero” you’d still be rich with such wonderful friends. Happy belated birthday, Michelle.

Carol ReMarks said...

Yes, happy belated birthday. You have a terrific family and I'm glad you have found such great friends; especially Shiny. She is definitely a good one.

Gina Hurst, Art Consultant said...

Happy Belated Birthday! G