Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fabric Art

Koi Pillow started
Hope Pillow

(Autism Awareness Month)

Sculpture (She Dances) Joy Pillow
Paris Pillow (Sold)
I have been in some sort of transition here lately. Somewhere between Paint and fabric, between realism and abstract, between grounded and flying on my pink cloud. I don't really know where I will land with my art. But I do know that this time is VERY fun and creative! Change seems to be coming with my art and I can only imagine that it will be more exciting than before. I always look forward to change. It's kind of like that thing we do, when we are sick of our surroundings, so we move the furniture and re-decorate. LOL

Here are a few of the fabric art pieces that have come out of this past couple of weeks.


1 comment:

Angela said...

you GO girlfriend!