Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Heart Aches for You

Have you ever had your heart broken by someone until you would ACHES for them? That is how I feel about Kauai. Tonight my husband brought me a small box and said, "here, this is for you". As I unwrapped the present and started to smell the aroma of my favorite island's soaps,www.islandsoap.com I was whirled away into another world. My heart began to sink and all I could think was that I MUST go back. I can feel the tears welling up as I try to describe my gratitude for the gift to my husband. My soul is now in full blown ache. I can see myself living there and spending the evening, as the sun goes down, painting. I can see the small streets with the mountains in the distance. I can feel the warm breeze of the ocean as it kisses me goodnight. Why does my heart ache so for this place. Even on our first trip there last year, I found myself crying as the plane took off and I watched "My" island disappear through the clouds......

Until I am able to be there for good, I will bathe in my wonderful soaps and live with the island love in my heart.

Aloha Nui Loa,


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fabric Art

Koi Pillow started
Hope Pillow

(Autism Awareness Month)

Sculpture (She Dances) Joy Pillow
Paris Pillow (Sold)
I have been in some sort of transition here lately. Somewhere between Paint and fabric, between realism and abstract, between grounded and flying on my pink cloud. I don't really know where I will land with my art. But I do know that this time is VERY fun and creative! Change seems to be coming with my art and I can only imagine that it will be more exciting than before. I always look forward to change. It's kind of like that thing we do, when we are sick of our surroundings, so we move the furniture and re-decorate. LOL

Here are a few of the fabric art pieces that have come out of this past couple of weeks.
