Monday, September 6, 2010

New Painting

Today I went by the studio. My father in law and his sister, Aunt Lynn, came by to visit. We toured the studio and began talking of God and spirituality. I love having such a deep discussion with them on this subject. Especially since he is the reason I paint, live and breath:)

Ok...let me back up a little. About a month ago I decided to get back to painting with God. For a while I have been painting for others and really was feeling a sense of loss and just plain blah with painting. So, I got the biggest canvas I could find, 6'x4', and began to paint. First came the colors. Then another day the orchids. And then another day the butterflies. And then.....nothing! I knew I had to listen and so I waited patiently. Each day as I walked into my studio past the large "elephant"(painting) in my room, I would ask, "can we paint today?" And each time I was met with a quiet "no".

So now....back to Aunt Lynn and my father in law. We had a beautiful discussion today about God and then they left the studio. I walked back to my studio and forgot about the painting. Then I heard,"let's paint for a while". YEEEE HAAAA! Out came the brushes and the paint and off I went. Painting with the large canvas laying on the floor. When I felt like it was done, I went and grabbed my ladder out of the hall closet. I climbed to the top to get a good look.

And this is what it looked like. :)



1 comment:

Angela said...

I love it Michele! I see the stem/vine as God with you, the flowers , growing off of Him. Your love for Him a blossoming and delicate thing. I see the butterflies as all those who enter your life, come in and then gently go. Very telling i think. What's the name?