Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Carol!

Completed Painting
Reference Photo

Here is a commission that I just finished and was picked up today. It was done for a good friend of mine, for her birthday. Her sweet husband came in a few months ago and brought me a picture that they had taken. He wanted to have a painting done and give it to her for her birthday. I LOVE these kind of paintings! Not only for the fact that they are a secret...but that someone puts so much thought into a gift. It is easy to go to the mall and buy a gift...but it is ALWAYS more fun to really think about it and find something personal.
So...Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you enjoy your Jazz guys as much as I did painting them. The other artists were starting to worry about me talking to them so much in my studio! LOL!

1 comment:

Carol ReMarks said...

Thanks Michele. I really enjoyed receiving the painting as my birthday gift. I love these guys and feel some kind of kinship with them for whatever reason. I saw them in Huntsville, all together, at a Blues Fest and happened to snap this photo of them and LOVED that photo. So thanks.