Saturday, May 24, 2008

Huntsville Times article

Friday I was featured in the Huntsville Times. For those who are not from around here, that is our local metro newspaper. Gina Hurst from the Huntsville Art Blog introduced me to Kay Campbell, the editor for the Faith and Values section. She is a great girl who always seems to find regular everyday people who have inspiring stories to tell. She asked me to do this article. I was blessed to be able to do it and to share my experience, strength and hope. Talk about a leap of's scary to put your REAL self,the good, the bad and the ugly, out there. Thanks Kay for all that you did in helping to get my story out. And thanks Gina for believing that is was worthy.
Below is the article along with a link so that you all can read it too.



Gina Hurst, Art Consultant said...

Michele! You are an inspiration! I just wanted the world to know how the LORD has gifted and blessed you! :) May HE continue to guide you, inspire you and expand your boundaries! Gina

HB said...

Have you ever though of doing art in the context of a worship service? Worship arts? At Asbury? I would love to talk to you about it!
Heather Baumbach
Contemporary Worship Arts Coordinator
Asbury UMC

Michele Lee said...
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Michele Lee said...

Would love to talk Heather. E-mail me and we will set up a time to get together:)