Monday, October 13, 2008


I got a box of goodies from my Mom a while back. In the bottom of the box was "A Year in Pictures" magazine from the year 1976. I was looking at this yesterday and realized...everything that I worry about in the world today, was going on in 1976 too. I was 10 yrs old that year. I remember vacations to the beach and skiing with my family, riding my bike with my friends and being happy and free. I got to thinking, maybe I worry so much about the world today because I am older. There is always going to be tragedy...but one thing is for sure...there is always going to be God as well. So, I started to create a simple collage of the thoughts and feelings I was having. And the words kept ringing in my head....Do not be afraid...Live your life...I am here.


I Am Here

24X36 canvas

by Michele Lee copyright 2008


ArtistUnplugged said...

Amen! Hope your mom is recovering quickly and painlessly as possible.

Michele Lee said...

Amen right back sister! Mom is doing well. Her surgery was rescheduled until this weds. Keep her in your prayers please.