Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom's Birthday/She's Here

What a day!! It is my wonderful Mother's birthday today. But I can not tell you her age..that is not a question we ask a true southern woman. :)

Every year, we as a family always joke about who gives mom or day the "best" gift. I have two younger brothers...so I MUST be the winner every year. After all I am the only daughter. (keep in mind this is all done in fun)

So I talk to my Dad this morning and he has given her a lovely card. I think to myself..HA! Mine will definitely top that. I still hadn't heard from my brothers...so I was getting a little nervous. Then my gift shows up. A big ol flower arrangement. Mom loves them and takes a picture immediately and sends it to me. Ah ha! I have won....but wait...what's that..a call from my youngest brother..... (as many of you have seen for the past months to the right side of my blog. We have been waiting for the new little niece to be born) Well what do you know. He calls to say she is coming! ARGGGG foiled again, I think.

So, not only was she born today...but she was also named Elizabeth after my Mom


Here are the pictures of Mom and her flowers, my sweet baby brother and his new daughter Miss Avery Elizabeth.

Two beautiful girls on their birthdays today.



Angela said...

what a wonderful way to lose a competition to your brother. Happy Birthday mom. Happy Birthday baby too.

Mrs. Booth's Blog said...

Happy Birthday Mom of Michelle!

Carol ReMarks said...

How sweet. Happy birthday to Mom and congratulations to Brother.

ArtistUnplugged said...

That is so wonderful!!!!! I think that is soooo neat. Hope your mother had a wonderful day, great blessings.

Don said...

Your Mom is a lovely lady. Like mother, like daughter.