Don't forget to mark your calendars and tell your friends!
You are Invited
to an
Artist Reception
Michele Lee
When: Saturday, March 29,2008
Where: Huntsville Art League
3005 L&N Drive Suite 2
Huntsville, AL 35801
Please go to the website below for directions and Artist information:
I posted this on my Alabama Improper blog as well.
You may want to start a section in your sidebar for "PRESS", when I was googling the following article came up. You need to keep these "PRESS" links and post them in a section on your blog. Good marketing tool, credibility.
And if you are willing to pay some money I know a fantastic marketing person, worth every penny too. She knows a TON of people.
Um, forgot to include the link I it is...
Oh, the marketing person I'm talking about was on FOX NEWS this weekend too. heh :-)
Wendy Kobler
Hows that? :)
Hmmm, I see I'm going to have to show you how to do links on the sidebar. LOL
Um, hello? Where are you?
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